Najważniejsza publikacja w roku 2021
Electrically Insulating Flexible Films with Quasi‐1D van der Waals Fillers as Efficient Electromagnetic Shields in the GHz and Sub‐THz Frequency Bands
Z. Barani, F. Kargar, Y. Ghafouri, S. Ghosh, K. Godziszewski, S. Baraghani, Y. Yashchyshyn, G. Cywiński, S. Rumyantsev. T. T. Salguero, A. A. Balandin
Adv. Mater. 2021, 2007286; IF 27.398
Published: 12 February 2021
Pełna lista publikacji powstałych w projekcie CENTERA od stycznia do grudnia 2021
- Low-frequency noise characteristics of GaN vertical PIN diodes—Effects of design, current, and temperature
Subhajit Ghosh, Kai Fu, Fariborz Kargar, Sergey Rumyantsev, Yuji Zhao, Alexander A. Balandin
Appl. Phys. Lett. 119, 243505 (2021)
Published Online: 17 December 2021 - Superlinear Photogalvanic Effects in (Bi0.3Sb0.7)2(Te0.1Se0.9)3: Probing Three-Dimensional Topological Insulator Surface States at Room Temperature
S. N. Danilov, L. E. Golub, T. Mayer, A. Beer, S. Binder, E. Mönch, J. Minár, M. Kronseder, C. H. Back, D. Bougeard, and S. D. Ganichev
Phys. Rev. Applied 16, 064030
Published 13 December 2021 - Characterization of Silver Nanowire Layers in the Terahertz Frequency Range
Aleksandra Przewłoka, Serguei Smirnov, Irina Nefedova, Aleksandra Krajewska, Igor S. Nefedov, Petr S. Demchenko, Dmitry V. Zykov, Valentin S. Chebotarev, Dmytro B. But, Kamil Stelmaszczyk, Maksym Dub, Dariusz Zasada, Alvydas Lisauskas, Joachim Oberhammer, Mikhail K. Khodzitsky, Wojciech Knap and Dmitri Lioubtchenko
Materials 14(23), 7399, 2021; IF 3.623
Published: 2 December 2021 - Effects of UV light irradiation on fluctuation enhanced gas sensing by carbon nanotube networks
Katarzyna Drozdowska, Adil Rehman, Aleksandra Krajewska, Dmitri V.Lioubtchenko, Krystian Pavłov, Sergey Rumyantsev, Janusz Smulko, Grzegorz Cywiński
Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical 352 (2022) 131069 IF 7.46
Available online: 9 November 2021 (to be published: 1 February 2022) - Highly superlinear giant terahertz photoconductance in GaAs quantum point contacts in the deep tunneling regime
M. Otteneder, M. Hild, Z. D. Kvon, E. E. Rodyakina, M. M. Glazov, and S. D. Ganichev
Phys. Rev. B 104, 205304; IF 4.036
Published: 12 November 2021 - Carbon nanotubes for polarization sensitive terahertz plasmonic interferometry
Y. Matyushkin, S. Danilov, M. Moskotin, G. Fedorov, A. Bochin, I. Gorbenko, V. Kachorovskii, and S. Ganichev
Optics Express Vol. 29, Issue 23; IF 3.894
Published: 8 November 2021 - Graphene/AlGaN/GaN RF Switch
Yevhen Yashchyshyn, Paweł Bajurko, Jakub Sobolewski, Pavlo Sai, Aleksandra Przewłoka, Aleksandra Krajewska, Paweł Prystawko, Maksym Dub, Wojciech Knap, Sergey Rumyantsev and Grzegorz Cywinski
Micromachines 2021, 12, 1343; IF 2.891
Published: 31 October 2021
- Higher‑order topological insulator in cubic semiconductor quantum wells
Sergey S. Krishtopenko
IF 4.38
Published: 26 October 2021 (2021) 11:21060, - Investigation of Electrical Properties of the Al/SiO2/n++-Si Resistive Switching Structures by Means of Static, Admittance, and Impedance Spectroscopy Measurements
Piotr Wiśniewski, Jakub Jasiński, Andrzej Mazurak, Bartłomiej Stonio and Bogdan Majkusiak
Materials 2021, 14, 6042
Published: 13 October 2021</span - Strain control in graphene on GaN nanowires: Towards pseudomagnetic field engineering
Jakub Kierdaszuk, Paweł Dabrowski, Maciej Rogala, Paweł Krukowski, Aleksandra Przewłoka, Aleksandra Krajewska, Wawrzyniec Kaszub, Marta Sobanska, Zbigniew R. Zytkiewicz, Vitaly Z. Zubialevich, Paweł J. Kowalczyk, Andrzej Wysmołek, Johannes Binder, Aneta Drabinska
Accepted 3 October 2021;
IF 9.594
Available online: 7 October 2021;
Carbon 186 (2022) 128-140 - Quantum-Dot Single-Electron Transistors as Thermoelectric Quantum Detectors at Terahertz Frequencies
Mahdi Asgari, Dominique Coquillat, Guido Menichetti, Valentina Zannier, Nina Diakonova, Wojciech Knap, Lucia Sorba, Leonardo Viti, and Miriam Serena Vitiello
Nano Lett. 2021, 21, 8587−8594; IF 11.189
Published: October 7 2021
Nano Lett. 2021, 21 - Paving the Way for Tunable Graphene Plasmonic THz Amplifiers
Stephane A. Boubanga-Tombet, Akira Satou, Deepika Yadav, Dmitro B. But, Wojciech Knap, Vyacheslav V. Popov, Ilya V. Gorbenko, Valentin Kachorovskii, andTaiichi Otsuji
Front. Phys., IF 3.56
Published: 04 October 2021
Front. Phys. - Terahertz Sources Based on Emission from a GaAs/(Al,Ga)As Heterostructure at Cryogenic Temperatures
D. Yavorskiy, M. Szoła, T. Tarkowski, J. Wróbel, P. Nowicki, V. Umansky, W. Knap, and J. Łusakowski
PHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED 16, 044001 (2021); IF 4.985
Published: 1 October 2021
- Highly effective gating of graphene on GaN
J. Kierdaszuk, E. Rozbiegała, K. Piętak, S. Złotnik, A. Przewłoka, A. Krajewska, W. Kaszub, M. Kaminska, A. Wysmołek, J. Binder, A. Drabinska,
Applied Surface Science 560 (2021) 149939; IF 6.182
Available online: 06 May 2021 Published: 15 September 2021 - Low-Frequency Electronic Noise in Quasi-2D van der Waals Antiferromagnetic Semiconductor FePS3—Signatures of Phase Transitions
Subhajit Ghosh, Fariborz Kargar, Amirmahdi Mohammadzadeh, Sergey Rumyantsev and Alexander A. Balandin
Adv. Electron. Mater. 2021, 2100408; IF 7.295
First published: 02 September 2021 - All-Electronic Emitter-Detector Pairs for 250 GHz in Silicon
Kestutis Ikamas, Dmytro B. But, Albert Cesiul, Cezary Kołacinski, Tautvydas Lisauskas, Wojciech Knap and Alvydas Lisauskas
Sensors 2021, 21(17), 5795;
Published: 28 August 2021 - W-Band Sensor for Complex Permittivity Measurements of Rod Shaped Samples
Yevhen Yashchyshyn; Krzysztof Derzakowski; Changying Wu; Grzegorz Cywiński
IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 111125-111131, 2021; IF 3.367
Published: 09 August 2021 - Theoretical Study of Current–Voltage Characteristics of Electron–Hole Bilayer Tunnel Field Effect Transistors of Different Channel Semiconductors
P. Wiśniewski, and B. Majkusiak
ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A No. 2 Vol. 140 (2021)
Published: August 2021 - Beatings of ratchet current magneto-oscillations in GaN-based grating gate structures: Manifestation of spin-orbit band splitting
P. Sai, S. O. Potashin, M. Szoła, D. Yavorskiy, G. Cywiński, P. Prystawko, J. Łusakowski, S. D.Ganichev, S. Rumyantsev, W. Knap, and V. Yu. Kachorovskii,
Phys. Rev. B 104, 045301 (2021) IF 3.575
Published: 02 July 2021 - Responsivity enhancement of a strained silicon field-effect transistor detector at 0.3 THz using the terajet effect
V. Minin, O. V. Minin, J. Salvador-Sánchez, J. A. Delgado-Notario, J. Calvo-Gallego, M. Ferrando-Bataller, K. Fobelets, J. E. Velázquez-Pérez, and Y. M. Meziani
Optics Letters Vol. 46, Issue 13, pp. 3061-3064 (2021); IF 3.776
Published: 01 July 2021 - Properties of graphene deposited on GaN nanowires: influence of nanowire roughness, self-induced nanogating and defects
J. Kierdaszuk, P. Kaźmierczak, J. Grzonka, A. Krajewska, A. Przewłoka, W. Kaszub, Z. R. Zytkiewicz, M. Sobanska, M. Kamińska, A. Wysmołek and A. Drabińska,
Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2021, 12, 566–577; IF 3.576
Published: 22 June 2021 - Double-Quantum-Well AlGaN/GaN Field Effect Transistors with Top and Back Gates: Electrical and Noise Characteristics
M. Dub, P. Sai, M. Sakowicz, L. Janicki, D.B. But, P. Prystawko, G. Cywinski, W. Knap, S. Rumyantsev,
Micromachines 2021, 12, 721; IF 2.891
Published: 19 June 2021 - Generation-recombination and 1/f noise incarbon nanotube networks
Rehman, A. Krajewska, B. Stonio, K. Pavlov, G. Cywinski, D. Lioubtchenko, W. Knap, S. Rumyantsev, and J. M. Smulko,
Appl. Phys. Lett. 118, 242102 (2021); IF 3.791
Published: 15 June 2021 - Roadmap of Terahertz Imaging 2021
G. Valušis, A. Lisauskas, H. Yuan, W. Knap and H. G. Roskos,
Sensors 2021, 21, 4092; IF 3.576
Published: 14 June 2021 - Room temperature depinning of the charge density waves in quasi-two-dimensional 1T-TaS2 devices
Mohammadzadeh, A. Rehman, F. Kargar, S. Rumyantsev, J. M. Smulko, W. Knap, R. K. Lake, and A. A. Balandin,
Appl. Phys. Lett. 118, 223101 (2021); IF 3.791
Published: 1 June 2021 - Sensitivity of Field-Effect Transistor-Based Terahertz Detectors
E. Javadi, D.B. But, K. Ikamas, J. Zdanevičius, W. Knap and A. Lisauskas,
Sensors 2021, 21(9), 2909; IF 3.275
Published: 21 April 2021 - Spin and charge transport through a helical Aharonov-Bohm interferometer with a strong magnetic impurity
R. A. Niyazov, D. N. Aristov, and V. Yu. Kachorovskii,
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 103, 125428 (2021); IF 3.575
Published: 26 March 2021 - Antenna-coupled field-effect transistors as detectors for terahertz near-field microscopy
M.M. Wiecha, R. Kapoor, A.V. Chernyadiev, K. Ikamas, A. Lisauskas, H.G. Roskos,
Nanoscale Adv., 2021, 3, 1717; IF 4.553
Published: 21 March 2021 - Electrically Insulating Flexible Films with Quasi‐1D van der Waals Fillers as Efficient Electromagnetic Shields in the GHz and Sub‐THz Frequency Bands
Z. Barani, F. Kargar, Y. Ghafouri, S. Ghosh, K. Godziszewski, S. Baraghani, Y. Yashchyshyn, G. Cywiński, S. Rumyantsev. T. T. Salguero, A. A. Balandin
Adv. Mater. 2021, 2007286; IF 27.398
Published: 12 February 2021 - Effect of ultraviolet light on 1/f noise in carbon nanotube networks
A.Rehman, S.Smirnov, A.Krajewska,D.B.But, M.Liszewska, B.Bartosewicz, K.Pavlov, G.Cywinski, D.Lioubtchenko, W.Knap, S.Rumyantsev
Materials Research Bulletin 134 (2021) 111093; IF 4.019
Published: February 2021 - Homodyne Spectroscopy with Broadband Terahertz Power Detector Based on 90-nm Silicon CMOS Transistor
K. Ikamas, D. B. But and A. Lisauskas
Applied Sci. 2021, 11, 412; IF 2.679
Published: January 2021 - Broadband sensing around 1 THz via a novel biquad-antenna-coupled low-NEP detector in CMOS
Marta Ferreras, Dovile Cibiraite-Lukenskiene, Alvydas Lisauskas, Jesus Grajal, Viktor Krozer
IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology ( Volume: 11, Issue: 1) IF 2.593
Published: January 2021
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