Jacek Przybytek

Jacek Przybytek obtained PhD from the University of Warsaw in experimental solid state physics. Expertise in electronic properties of materials and electronic devices under extreme conditions of cryogenic temperature, high hydrostatic pressure and high magnetic field. He carried out fundamental as well as applied research – among others optical end electronic properties of deep defects, noise optimization of Hall effect GaAlAs/GaAs-based magnetic sensors at the industrial level (Marie Curie Industrial Host Fellowship in Montrouge Technology Center of Schlumberger: 2000-2002). Special interest in fluctuation phenomena in solids and solid state devices in relationship to fundamental scattering, generation-recombination and relaxation processes in solids (e.g. origins of electronic noise in resonant tunneling diods and electronic transport and noise in manganites).
As an associate professor at the Faculty of Physics of the University of Warsaw (1997-2014) engaged in many organizational and managing tasks (e.g. coordination of the Center of Excellence CEMOS “Physics and Technology of Semiconductor Materials and Structures for Optoelectronics and Spintronics”: 2003-2006; care of (community service) cryogenic plant of Solid State Division: 2006-2017; secretary/a delegate of the Rector for recruitment to the College of Inter-Faculty Individual Studies in Mathematics and Natural Sciences K MISMaP: 2003-2007).