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Pełna lista publikacji powstałych w projekcie CENTERA od stycznia do grudnia 2024

  1. Magnon gap excitations in van der Waals antiferromagnet MnPSe3
    D. Jana, D. Vaclavkova, I. Mohelsky, P. Kapuscinski, C.W. Cho, I. Breslavetz, M. Białek, J.-Ph. Ansermet, B.A. Piot, M. Orlita, C. Faugeras and M. Potemski

    Scientific Reports volume 14, Article number: 17502 (2024), IF 3.8
    Published : 30 July 2024
  2. Valley-dependent quasi-ballistic electron transport in FETs based on multi-valley semiconductors
    M. Yelisieiev and V. A. Kochelap

    AIP Advances 14, 075228 (2024);, IF 1.4
    Published :1 July 2024

    doi: 10.1063/5.0224808
  3. Graphene Schottky barrier diode acting as a semi-transparent contact to n-GaN
    P. Kruszewski, P. Sai, A. Krajewska, K. Sakowski, Y. Ivonyak, R. Jakiela, J. Plesiewicz and P. Prystawko
    AIP Advances 14, 075312 (2024), IF 1.4
    Published : July 1 2024
  4. Terahertz ratchet in graphene two-dimensional metamaterial formed by a patterned gate with an antidot array
    I. Yahniuk, M. Hild, L.E. Golub, J. Amann, J. Eroms, D. Weiss, W.H. Kang, M.H. Liu, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi and S.D. Ganichev

    Phys. Rev. B 109, 235428, IF 3.2
    Published :21 June 2024
  5. Circular terahertz ratchets in a two-dimensionally modulated Dirac system
    M. Hild, I. Yahniuk, L.E. Golub, J. Amann, J. Eroms, D. Weiss, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi and S.D. Ganichev

    Phys. Rev. Research 6, 023308, IF 3.5
    Published: 21 June 2024
  6. Apple stem grooving capillovirus: pliant pathogen and its potential as a tool in functional genomics and effective disease management
    G. Vats, V. Sharma, S. Noorani, A. Rani, N. Kaushik, A. Kaushik, D. Kala, R. Nagraik, A. Srivastava, S. Gupta, B. Singh, A. Kaushal, Y. Walia and S. Dhir

    Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection, 57(4), 261–295, IF 1
    Published online: 05 June 2024
  7. Electroluminescent vertical tunneling junctions based on WSe2 monolayer quantum emitter arrays: Exploring tunability with electric and magnetic fields
    J. Howarth, K. Vaklinova, M. Grzeszczyk, G. Baldi, L. Hague, M. Potemski, k.S. Novoselov, A. Kozikov and M. Koperski

    PNAS 2024 Vol. 121 (23) e2401757121, IF 11.1
    Published : 31 May 2024
  8. Dichroic absorption of aligned graphene-augmented inorganic nanofibers in the terahertz regimeN. Xenidis, A. Przewloka, K. Stelmaszczyk, M. Haras, S. Smirnov, A. Krajewska, R. Ivanov, I. Hussainova, J. Oberhammer, T. Skotnicki, Z. Mierczyk and D. Lioubtchenko
    Applied Materials Today 39 (2024) 102245, IF 7.2
    Available online: 30 May 2024
  9. A CMOS-integrated terahertz near-field sensor based on an ultra-strongly coupled meta-atom
    A. V. Chernyadiev, D. B. But, Y. Ivonyak, K. Ikamas and A. Lisauskas

    Scientific Reports volume 14, Article number: 11483 (2024), IF 4.6
    Published : 20 May 2024
  10. Control of the unscreened modes in AlGaN/GaN terahertz plasmonic crystals
    M. Dub, P. Sai, Y. Ivonyak, D. B. But, J. Kacperski, P. Prystawko, R. Kucharski, M. Słowikowski, G. Cywiński, W. Knap and S. Rumyantsev

    J. Appl. Phys. 135, 193103 (2024), IF 3.2
    Published online: 15 May 2024
  11. Immunosensors in food, health, environment, and agriculture: a review
    H. Kumar, R. Dhalaria, S. Guleria, R. Cimler, P. Prerna, D.S. Dhanja, C. Chopra, N. Sethi, A.K. Pathera, D. Kala, N. Kimta, T. Kaur, M. Valko, S. Manickam, S.Y. Alomar, D. Kumar and K. Kuča

    Environmental Chemistry Letters, IF 15
    Published online: 09 May 2024
  12. Nonlinear helicity anomalies in the cyclotron resonance photoresistance of two-dimensional electron systems
    E. Mönch, S. Schweiss, I. Yahniuk, M.L. Savchenko, I.A. Dmitriev, A. Shuvaev, A. Pimenov, D. Schuh, D. Bougeard and S.D. Ganichev

    Phys. Rev. Research 6, 023106, IF 4.2
    Published : 1 May 2024
  13. Transverse and longitudinal magnons in the strongly anisotropic antiferromagnet FePSe3
    F. Le Mardelé, A. El Mendili, M. E. Zhitomirsky, I. Mohelsky, D. Jana, I. Plutnarova, Z. Sofer, C. Faugeras, M. Potemski and M. Orlita

    Phys. Rev. B 109, 134410, IF 3.7
    Published : 05 April 2024
  14. Randomly moving thermoelectric energy harvester for wearables and industrial Internet of Things
    M. Markiewicz, P. Dziurdzia and T. Skotnicki

    Nano Energy 126 (2024) 109565, IF 17.6
    Available online : 01 April 2024
  15. The noise of the charge density waves in quasi-1D NbSe3 nanowires – contributions of electrons and quantum condensate
    S. Ghosh, S. Rumyantsev and A. A. Balandin

    Appl. Phys. Rev. 11, 021405 (2024) , IF 15
    Published : 01 April 2024
  16. Short excitonic lifetimes of MoSe2 monolayers grown by molecular beam epitaxy on the hexagonal boron nitride
    K. Oreszczuk, W. Pacuski, A. Rodek, M. Raczyński, T. Kazimierczuk, K. Nogajewski, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, M. Potemski and P. Kossacki

    2D Mater. 11 025029 , IF 5.5
    Published : 09 February 2024
  17. THz quantum well photodetector based on LO-phonon scattering-assisted extraction
    J. Pérez-Urquizo, D. Gacemi, Z.Z. Zhang, B.B. Liu, D.B. But, D. Yavorskiy, J. Lusakowski, W. Knap, H. Li, Y. Todorov

    Appl. Phys. Lett. 124, 061111 (2024), IF 4.0
    Published : 09 February 2024
  18. Peculiarities of current transport in boron-doped diamond Schottky diodes with hysteresis in current-voltage characteristics
    A.S. Nikolenko, V.V. Strelchuk, Y.Y. Kudryk, I.M. Danylenko, A.E. Belyaev, T.V. Kovalenko, V.V. Lysakovskyi, S.O. Ivakhnenko, M.M. Dub, P.O. Sai, W. Knap

    Diamond & Related Materials 143 (2024) 110897, IF 4.1
    Published : 06 February 2024
  19. Interactions and ultrafast dynamics of exciton complexes in a monolayer semiconductor with electron gas
    A. Rodek, K. Oreszczuk, T. Kazimierczuk, J. Howarth, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, M. Potemski and P. Kossacki

    Nanophotonics 2024; 13(4): 487–497, IF 7.5
    Published : 05 February 2024
  20. Innovations in dengue virus detection: An overview of conventional and electrochemical biosensor approaches
    S. Raza, R. Poria, D. Kala, N. Sharma, A.K. Sharma, N. Florien, H. S. Tuli, A. Kaushal and S. Gupta
    Biotechnol Appl Biochem. 2024;1–20., IF 2.8
    Published : 15 January 2024
  21. Raman scattering excitation in monolayers of semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenides
    M. Zinkiewicz, M. Grzeszczyk, T. Kazimierczuk, M. Bartos, K. Nogajewski, W. Pacuski, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, A. Wysmołek, P. Kossacki, M. Potemski, A. Babiński and M. R. Molas
    npj 2D Mater Appl 8, 2 (2024), IF 9.7
    Published : 10 January 2024